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A function that takes PMR observations, and (given a prior distribution for degrees of relatedness) returns the posterior probabilities of all pairs of individuals being (a) the same individual/twins, (b) first-degree related, (c) second-degree related or (d) "unrelated" (third-degree or higher). The highest posterior probability degree of relatedness is also returned as a hard classification. Options include setting the background relatedness (or using the sample median), a minimum number of overlapping SNPs if one uses the sample median for background relatedness, and a minimum number of overlapping SNPs for including pairs in the analysis.


  class_prior = rep(0.25, 4),
  average_relatedness = NULL,
  median_co = 500,
  filter_n = 1



a tibble that is the output of the processEigenstrat function.


the prior probabilities for same/twin, 1st-degree, 2nd-degree, unrelated, respectively.


a single numeric value, or a vector of numeric values, to use as the average background relatedness. If NULL, the sample median is used.


if average_relatedness is left NULL, then the minimum cutoff for the number of overlapping snps to be included in the median calculation is 500.


the minimum number of overlapping SNPs for which pairs are removed from the entire analysis. If NULL, default is 1.


results_tibble: A tibble containing 13 columns:

  • row: The row number

  • pair: the pair of individuals that are compared.

  • relationship: the highest posterior probability estimate of the degree of relatedness.

  • pmr: the pairwise mismatch rate (mismatch/nsnps).

  • sd: the estimated standard deviation of the pmr.

  • mismatch: the number of sites which did not match for each pair.

  • nsnps: the number of overlapping snps that were compared for each pair.

  • ave_re;: the value for the background relatedness used for normalisation.

  • Same_Twins: the posterior probability associated with a same individual/twins classification.

  • First_Degree: the posterior probability associated with a first-degree classification.

  • Second_Degree: the posterior probability associated with a second-degree classification.

  • Unrelated: the posterior probability associated with an unrelated classification.

  • BF: A strength of confidence in the Bayes Factor associated with the highest posterior probability classification compared to the 2nd highest. (No longer included)


#> # A tibble: 15 × 12
#>      row pair       relationship   pmr      sd mismatch nsnps ave_rel Same_Twins
#>    <int> <chr>      <fct>        <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1     1 Ind1 - In… Unrelated    0.204 0.0103       310  1518   0.218  6.71e- 26
#>  2     2 Ind1 - In… Unrelated    0.222 0.00428     2093  9435   0.218  1.22e-214
#>  3     3 Ind1 - In… Unrelated    0.224 0.00458     1854  8283   0.218  2.00e-194
#>  4     4 Ind1 - In… Unrelated    0.235 0.0116       314  1336   0.218  2.68e- 37
#>  5     5 Ind1 - In… Unrelated    0.215 0.00867      481  2242   0.218  9.82e- 46
#>  6     6 Ind2 - In… Unrelated    0.218 0.00432     1988  9119   0.218  5.06e-195
#>  7     7 Ind2 - In… Unrelated    0.213 0.00458     1699  7984   0.218  4.95e-156
#>  8     8 Ind2 - In… Unrelated    0.229 0.0122       270  1179   0.218  1.80e- 30
#>  9     9 Ind2 - In… Unrelated    0.215 0.00927      423  1965   0.218  1.10e- 40
#> 10    10 Ind3 - In… Same_Twins   0.108 0.00214     2253 20952   0.218  1   e+  0
#> 11    11 Ind3 - In… Unrelated    0.213 0.00458     1703  7994   0.218  6.83e-157
#> 12    12 Ind3 - In… Unrelated    0.218 0.00394     2398 10994   0.218  2.05e-235
#> 13    13 Ind4 - In… Unrelated    0.210 0.00489     1451  6924   0.218  1.92e-127
#> 14    14 Ind4 - In… Unrelated    0.220 0.00419     2141  9745   0.218  2.95e-214
#> 15    15 Ind5 - In… Unrelated    0.220 0.00994      383  1739   0.218  3.64e- 39
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: First_Degree <dbl>, Second_Degree <dbl>, Unrelated <dbl>