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Plots all (sorted by increasing value) observed PMR values with maximum posterior probability classifications represented by colour and shape. Options include a cut off for the minimum number of overlapping SNPs, the max number of pairs to plot and x-axis font size.


plotLOAF(in_tibble, nsnps_cutoff = NULL, N = NULL, fntsize = 7, verbose = TRUE)



a tibble that is the output of the callRelatedness() function.


the minimum number of overlapping SNPs for which pairs are removed from the plot. If NULL, default is 500.


the number of (sorted by increasing PMR) pairs to plot. Avoids plotting all pairs (many of which are unrelated).


the fontsize for the x-axis names.


if TRUE, then information about the plotting process is sent to the console


a ggplot object


#> # A tibble: 15 × 12
#>      row pair       relationship   pmr      sd mismatch nsnps ave_rel Same_Twins
#>    <int> <chr>      <fct>        <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>      <dbl>
#>  1     1 Ind1 - In… Unrelated    0.204 0.0103       310  1518   0.218  6.71e- 26
#>  2     2 Ind1 - In… Unrelated    0.222 0.00428     2093  9435   0.218  1.22e-214
#>  3     3 Ind1 - In… Unrelated    0.224 0.00458     1854  8283   0.218  2.00e-194
#>  4     4 Ind1 - In… Unrelated    0.235 0.0116       314  1336   0.218  2.68e- 37
#>  5     5 Ind1 - In… Unrelated    0.215 0.00867      481  2242   0.218  9.82e- 46
#>  6     6 Ind2 - In… Unrelated    0.218 0.00432     1988  9119   0.218  5.06e-195
#>  7     7 Ind2 - In… Unrelated    0.213 0.00458     1699  7984   0.218  4.95e-156
#>  8     8 Ind2 - In… Unrelated    0.229 0.0122       270  1179   0.218  1.80e- 30
#>  9     9 Ind2 - In… Unrelated    0.215 0.00927      423  1965   0.218  1.10e- 40
#> 10    10 Ind3 - In… Same_Twins   0.108 0.00214     2253 20952   0.218  1   e+  0
#> 11    11 Ind3 - In… Unrelated    0.213 0.00458     1703  7994   0.218  6.83e-157
#> 12    12 Ind3 - In… Unrelated    0.218 0.00394     2398 10994   0.218  2.05e-235
#> 13    13 Ind4 - In… Unrelated    0.210 0.00489     1451  6924   0.218  1.92e-127
#> 14    14 Ind4 - In… Unrelated    0.220 0.00419     2141  9745   0.218  2.95e-214
#> 15    15 Ind5 - In… Unrelated    0.220 0.00994      383  1739   0.218  3.64e- 39
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: First_Degree <dbl>, Second_Degree <dbl>, Unrelated <dbl>
#> No minimum number of overlapping SNPs given.
#> Using default minimum of 500.
#> No upper limit on number of pairs to plot given.
#> Plotting first 15 pairs.